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EmailDLL Online ManualDLL val_SetDate
Purpose: Set the date and time for the message Handle: The unique ID identifying the email object Operator: val_SetDate = 10 Data: Date/Time string Returns: Success or Error Status
This operator sets the "Date:" header line for the message. This operator is optional. This operator takes a string argument in Data, and returns the standard integer status.
Normally the email client does not set this message field. When the SMTP server sees that this header line is missing from an incoming, it adds a Date: header line with the current date and time. If you use this operator, ensure that the date and time format is readable by the intended email client. If the receiver's client can't interpret the contents of this header line, the client will not be able to accurately sort the incoming messages by their date.
A commonly used Date format is:
DOW, Day Month Year Hr:Min:Sec HrsFmGMT
DOW = Day of Week Day = Day of Month, with leading zero if needed Month = Three-letter month abbreviation Year = Four-digit year Hr = Hour, in 24-hour style, with leading zero if needed Min = Minutes, with leading zero if needed Sec = Seconds, with leading zero if needed HrsFmGMT = Hours From Greenwich Mean Time
An example using the above format is:
Fri, 06 Feb 1998 17:23:42 -0800
You would therefore program:
EmailCmd(Handle,val_SetDate,"Fri, 06 Feb 1998 17:23:42 -0800");
This format is available in IntraBuilder Date objects with the Date.toGMTString() method.