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EmailDLL Online ManualDLL extern declarations
The three functions used in the DLL must be externally declared in order for IntraBuilder to use them. Without extern statements, IntraBuilder would try to locate the functions in some Javascript file. The extern statements below define where to find the DLL, and the data types of the parameters to be passed to and from the functions.
The following declarations call for the DLL in the directory where the current script is located.
extern void SetDebugOn (void) ".\\EMAIL100.DLL"; extern char* GetErrorString (int) ".\\EMAIL100.DLL"; extern int EmailCmd (int,int,char*) ".\\EMAIL100.DLL";
You can also get these external declarations by including the file DLLdefines100.js.
The location of the email100.dll file is something you'll need to check. When IntraBuilder can't find the DLL, it reports serious problems.